Friday, December 19, 2014

More Done Stuffs....and a Frog

Finally finished the Mega Man hat.

Improvised the ears cuz they aren't in the pattern

My sewing skills are just atrocious. I also made some more of those worsted socks on the small needles. This time I made the toe longer so they'd fit. I like the snug fit that they give me, though it's a struggle to pull them on, cuz the cuff is too small.

Me loves them bunches. I made them both at the same time using two sets of dpns, I wanted to avoid the dreaded second sock syndrome. I had a center pull ball that I fed to the socks from both ends. It came down to the wire on these man, and I was constantly paranoid that I was gonna run out of yarn. I didn't, but it was really close.

Made a wristlet out of the same yarn earlier in the year.

Now, there is a certain pattern that is very easy, but for some reason I can't seem to make it look good, so I have frogged it every time I've tried.

My first try, modeled here by one of my lovely kittens

Now, my first try, I couldn't seem to get the hang of the corners, I had no idea what wrapping was, and couldn't figure out why you would leave stitches on the needle and knit back without them. Short rows were unknown to me. Now I still don't know a whole lot about them, but I can follow the instructions about them much better with the aid of making a few socks since then.

My second time went much smoother, except for the fact that the blanket wasn't. On one side it looks ok, some minor ick moments, but ok. The other side, however, has giant seams, and looks horrible. I think if I had a slow changing gradient yarn, this would look fantastic, and it wouldn't be as boring. (also if I had more skill *cough*) Except for the corners this pattern is dead easy. You just make ten stitches and attach it to each row as you go around and around. I just can't seem to get it right. More power to the peeps that do, it looks great with a gradient. As for mine, they've both had a dip in the frog pond, never to return again.

Other than that, I've made some washcloths, which I will probably blog about at some time, but nothing really awesome or interesting. I've been neglecting my yarn recently. Bad, bad me. I'll try to work on that. Laters.

Friday, July 11, 2014

2 Years and Counting

Been working on and off on this for over 2 years now.

The colors are a bit weird in this pic

Added a couple of rows since the last pic was taken. (Blue and Shaded Dusk) I'll prolley take a pic of the whole thing at some point soon. I think the next color is gonna be a heathery green if I can get my friend to bring it back over. Other than that, I'm working on the Mega Man hat. And by working on, I mean I haven't touched it in a while. I'm not happy with how it's turning out so far.


I need to make the ear thingies, but I don't really know how. I think I'm gonna crochet a red circle and after that's done crochet more rounds in the light blue. I don't really wanna mix the knitting and crochet, but the pattern of the hat already looks like crochet for some reason. And I doubt the guy is ever gonna wear it, even if it looked bad ass, but I still hope it comes out ok after I add the ears. And now for some disappointing news. I finished the black socks, which should be a yay! But! They didn't fit. I followed the instructions when decreasing for the toe, and started where they told me to, but the toes were too short. The socks were a bit tight, but I kinda liked it. If only the toes had been a bit longer T_T Sadly they were donated to my roommate (who I don't think will ever wear them and only took them out of pity).

Me trying them on for the first time

The funny thing is, because it was made with worsted weight and size 3 needles they came out very stiff. Like, really stiff.

I made sock armor

Yes they are standing on their own looking like they are about to take off like something out of Bedknobs and Broomsticks. I think that's about it for me. Oh and one more thing, my cats really like that blanket.

...a lot

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Blue Bra of DOOM!

Forgive me, it's 7:51am and I haven't been to bed yet. Been working on this damn hat. And of course someone said it looks like a bra, and now I can't unsee that. Thanks.

See the bra? Yeah me too.

Hope that it comes together alright, but for now, I'm going to bed. Laters.

Monday, June 16, 2014

There's More?

What is goin' on with me? I've got something else to add to the pot. I'm making a Mega Man Helmet for a friend of mine. Ok, maybe I should say TRYING to make a Mega Man Helmet for a friend of mine.

Looks funny no?

That one's actually blue, not purple showing up as blue. But hey! I've got progress on the sock numba 2

Almost ready to turn the heel. Yay!

Aaaaaand the Kaleidoscope Beret is done blocking and I finally got a pic that has the correct color, or as close to it as I'm gonna get

 Gonna look cool with her dark hair showing through

Flat on top

The purple hat is for a friend for Christmas, as is the Mega Man Helmet. I'm also gonna try to make one of those amigurumi things. I sense this ending badly, but, the things you do for friends.

The Yarn Goes Ever On and On

So, for a while now (I dunno how long) I've been collecting yarn ends. I wait 'till I have a bunch and then tie them together and snip off the little bits to make the knots not stand out so much. In a tied up pile it looks something like this...

I also add yarn I'm mad at, hence all the pale blue

Then I wind it into a ball, although with the help of my new yarn winder of awesomeness it goes a lot faster and ends up looking like this...

The pale blue almost looks white here. It's the doubled one.

Then I add it to my slowly growing Yarn Ends Blanket. (the tiny yarn bits that are too small for tying together I add to a bag to use for stuffing, if I ever make anything that needs to be stuffed)

The ultraviolet looking blue is amethyst purple from Red Heart, my camera won't pick it up. For further proof of this I give you this hat I just made...

It's flat on top so I've got it blocking over a plate. It's actually a medium purple, like a mauve or something, but it looks the same as the amethyst, which is a dark rich purple. I dunno, the new phone I'm borrowing from a friend takes awesome pics (much better than my old ones) but it hates purple.

Oh! I forgot to show you the finished garter scarf.

The purple ALMOST shows up right in this one.

When I drape it across my neck it almost reaches to the floor on both sides, so it's almost as tall as I am x2. I might measure it one day, but for now let's just say around ten feet or so. Alright, besides still working on the black socks, I think that's about it for me right now. Laters.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Black Sock Down

Look look look

dripping wet over my drain rack

That's the first, and now I've gotta make another one. *le sigh* Wish me luck.

Monday, June 9, 2014

More WIPS For Those Chains

Got a coupla new things I've been working on.

Supposedly this is gonna be a blanket. I don't have the right size of needle or a circular so I'm having to jam all the stitches onto this one. So many stitches!!!

Screwed up somewhere on this line and lost a stitch somewhere. I keep trying to do this with music or people around me cuz it's such an easy pattern. I need to get it through my head that I'm a noob and can't do that and keep my knitting right.

Just turned the heel on my first one. I broke one of my size 8 double pointed needles and I've been wanting to try and make another pair of socks. Can't do that with a broken DPN. But, I found out that you can make socks using worsted weight (the only kind I have cuz I is broke) and size 3 DPNS (which are the only size my walmart down here carries) Here's hoping they turn out ok. I'm liking this sock making thing.