Monday, June 16, 2014

The Yarn Goes Ever On and On

So, for a while now (I dunno how long) I've been collecting yarn ends. I wait 'till I have a bunch and then tie them together and snip off the little bits to make the knots not stand out so much. In a tied up pile it looks something like this...

I also add yarn I'm mad at, hence all the pale blue

Then I wind it into a ball, although with the help of my new yarn winder of awesomeness it goes a lot faster and ends up looking like this...

The pale blue almost looks white here. It's the doubled one.

Then I add it to my slowly growing Yarn Ends Blanket. (the tiny yarn bits that are too small for tying together I add to a bag to use for stuffing, if I ever make anything that needs to be stuffed)

The ultraviolet looking blue is amethyst purple from Red Heart, my camera won't pick it up. For further proof of this I give you this hat I just made...

It's flat on top so I've got it blocking over a plate. It's actually a medium purple, like a mauve or something, but it looks the same as the amethyst, which is a dark rich purple. I dunno, the new phone I'm borrowing from a friend takes awesome pics (much better than my old ones) but it hates purple.

Oh! I forgot to show you the finished garter scarf.

The purple ALMOST shows up right in this one.

When I drape it across my neck it almost reaches to the floor on both sides, so it's almost as tall as I am x2. I might measure it one day, but for now let's just say around ten feet or so. Alright, besides still working on the black socks, I think that's about it for me right now. Laters.

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