Monday, April 7, 2014

Ribbit Rip it

And new to the frog pond is that purple scarfy thing.

It looks terrible

It now resides on its mother host.

Blarg. I worked hard on that first go through too. It looked bad, but I kept going and screwed everything up on the next repeat 4 rows in. I'm a noob at knitting so I just said, "Screw it!" and frogged the whole thing. At least I've made some progress on the garter double strandy scarf thing.

 Sorry for the dark pic, my phone sucks

I'm going back to the cable sampler scarf I'm supposed to be learning on.

*le sigh* I need better pics of this stuff

I forgot about that one when I was listing WIPS. I don't think I have a good yarn for it, but it's practice so, whatever.

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